
Even before Macbeth appears the details revealed to the audience regarding him are somewhat unsettling. Although revered as hero his actions are barbaric and expose his vicious nature.

“his brandish'd steel, Which smok'd with bloody execution, Like valour's minion carv'd out his passage"

Although incited by his wife Macbeth willingly murders Duncan despite acknowledging the heinous nature of the crime. Following Duncan’s murder Macbeth becomes dominated by his darker nature. The murder not only of his close friend Banquo, but of Banquo's son Fleance is calculated, callous and ordered secretly of his own volition. Prior to this murder there is no inner debate as to the morality of the crime. The classic tyrant he is concerned only with the end that will justify his means.

With the murder of Macduff’s family the full torrent of evil in his nature is released. He becomes an open tyrant, feared by all.